I've been rolling with the punches life has been throwing, but this one last week just knocked the wind out of me...
I just had to put down one of my cats Gigi. My wife and I missed our time to have children, so these cats are really family for us.
Gigi always jumped on my lap the instant I sat up in bed in the morning, and she did the same when I came home from work and sat down to relax--every day, without fail. She had the loudest purr I've ever heard, and I've known quite a few by now. I felt a big heart-ache getting up the last few mornings, knowing there'd be no more Gigi to come cheer me up. :(
I usually pride myself in being happy without being rich, but I wish I could've afforded to give Gigi regular checkups so her condition was caught earlier. I HATE being cash-poor right now!!!
Rest In Peace, my beloved Gigi!!!!! :.(